• پارسی (Persian)

Product Name: Fede, SAN SEBASTIAN Quadruple Frame Halogen (San Sebastian Collection)


SAN SEBASTIAN Quadruple Frame Halogen:

San Sebastian quadruple Halogen frame (luminaire with 4 spotlights), has 23.5 cm of width in 23.5 cm of length) and cut-out of 19.5 in 19.5 cm which can be used as a big source of light and a proper replacement for surface luster in environments like entrance, alcove, bedroom, and kitchen. San Sebastian quadruple Halogen frame can be adjustable for light direction and each of the four lights, can be adjusted individually in desired direction. This classic frame weighs 1982 g.

SAN SEBASTIAN Quadruple Frame Halogen color:

san-sebastian-four-FD1016SCB FD1016SCB
san-sebastian-four-FD1016SOB FD1016SOB
san-sebastian-four-FD1016SOP FD1016SOP
san-sebastian-four-FD1016SPB FD1016SPB
width & height 23.5*23.5 cm
cutting diameter 19.5*19.5 cm
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